Do you have Chronic Pain? If yes, have you heard about Gunn IMS?

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Home » Do you have Chronic Pain? If yes, have you heard about Gunn IMS?
Suzie Foreman
Dry needling trapezius muscle

Are you struggling with chronic pain and looking for relief? Gunn IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation) might be the solution you need. Dr. Chan Gunn developed this innovative needling technique that targets neuropathic pain by addressing nerve pressure and tight muscles. Here’s how it works and why it could be the answer to your pain management needs.

What Is Gunn IMS and How Did It Start?

Gunn IMS is a needling technique that was developed by Dr. Chan Gunn for the treatment of neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain occurs whenever there is pressure on a nerve root or the nerve anywhere that it courses through the limb. We know that whenever there is pressure on a nerve root or nerve, it tells the muscles it supplies to stay tight. Tight muscles ache and are tender to touch. Dr. Gunn developed a theory for neuropathic pain and developed an assessment and treatment for it- Gunn IMS.

How Does GUNN IMS Work?

As mentioned above, we know that pressure on a nerve root, or nerve keeps the muscles it supplies tight. These tight muscles will then put more pressure on the nerve and pull on tendons and joints. To break the cycle, a Gunn IMS-trained practitioner will insert a needle into the tight bands within a muscle to get the muscle to contract and then ultimately relax. The release of the muscle takes the pressure off the nerve(s) and allows the nervous system to settle down.

How Effective is GUNN IMS?

In my experience, a patient will see noticeable results within four treatments. Patients report longer-lasting and better results with IMS than with many other treatments. It is not uncommon for a patient to see a 20-50% reduction in pain after the first visit. In addition to the reduction of pain, many patients report a better range of motion. When it works, it works well, and it works for 80% of the patients that I choose to use it on.

What Conditions Can Gunn IMS Be Used For?

Some of the more common conditions that Gunn IMS can be used for include:

  • Sciatica
  • Joint pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • TMJ disorders

Is Gunn IMS Covered by Insurance?

Yes, it will be covered under your coverage for physiotherapy.

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